SummaryIn this unit, students learn the basics about weather and the atmosphere. They investigate materials engineering as it applies to weather and the choices available to us for clothing to counteract the effects of weather. Students have the opportunity to design and analyze combinations of materials for use in specific weather conditions. In the next lesson, students also are introduced to air masses and weather forecasting instrumentation and how engineers work to improve these instruments for atmospheric measurements on Earth and in space. Then, students learn the distinguishing features of the four main types of weather fronts that accompany high and low pressure air masses and how those fronts are depicted on a weather map.
During this specific lesson, students learn different ways that engineers help with storm prediction, analysis and protection. In the final lesson, students consider how weather forecasting plays an important part in their daily lives by learning about the history of weather forecasting and how improvements in weather technology have saved lives by providing advance warning of natural disasters.This engineering curriculum meets Next Generation Science Standards.Engineering ConnectionEngineers are involved in many aspects of weather forecasting and weather-appropriate design. They analyze information about weather when designing instruments such as barometers, thermometers and anemometers—technologies that are essential for accurate weather predictions so that we can make informed decisions about how we interact with our world. Also, computer science engineers develop software to integrate these complex weather information technologies for meteorologists to use to make such predictions and inform the public. Engineers develop websites (and software) to present predicted and historical weather information in the most informative and pleasing way for people to understand. Civil engineers utilize weather data when designing bridges, houses and other structures, to ensure that those designs are appropriate for the climate of their locations.
Environmental engineers analyze weather measurements to determine the placement and effectiveness of renewable energy technologies, such as wind farms and solar arrays. Engineers also serve an important role in designing products that enable people to more comfortably adjust to the weather (for example, waterproof jackets, heated driveways and sunscreen, and many other weather-resistant goods).Educational Standards. Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science,technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards.All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN),a project of D2L ( the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g., by state; within source by type; e.g., science or mathematics;within type by subtype, then by grade, etc.
This book presents a comprehensive introduction to weather processes and climatic conditions around the world, their observed variability and changes, and projected future trends. Extensively revised and updated, this ninth edition retains its tried and tested structure while incorporating recent advances in the field. From clear explanations of the basic physical and chemical principles of the atmosphere, to descriptions of regional climates and their changes, the book presents a comprehensive coverage of global meteorology and climatology.